Step-by-Step Guide: How to install Schluter-DITRA-HEAT

Step-by-Step Guide: How to install Schluter-DITRA-HEAT

Are you ready to bring warmth to your home with the Schluter-DITRA-HEAT system? This comprehensive step-by-step guide will walk you through the entire installation of your new heated floors, ensuring a cozy and comfortable living space.

1. Planning

Selecting Membrane and Cables

Before starting, use the DITA-HEAT Estimator to access your cable length. Measure accurately when choosing DITRA-HEAT heating cables, keeping in mind minimum spacing from walls, cabinets, heat sources, and other fixed elements. Make sure you select the appropriate heat membrane for your specific home and floor type.

Buffer Zone and Thermostat Placement

Plan a buffer zone where excess heating cable can be placed, and floor warming is not essential. Consider the thermostat location, ensuring it accommodates the total current of connected heating cables . Alignment of studs on the membrane makes subsequent cable installation more straightforward.

thermostat image placement

2. Preparation

Substrate Preparation

Your substrate must be clean, even, and load-bearing. For wood substrates, address tightly butted seams and tented plywood or OSB seams before proceeding. Verify that panels are correctly fastened. For vinyl substrates, ensure a sound structure beneath and that the vinyl is well-adhered. For concrete, remove any waxy or oily films, and if the concrete is particularly dry, moisten it before bonding the membrane.

Additional Considerations

For gypsum substrates, check that residual moisture in gypsum screed is 2.0% or less. Follow the gypsum manufacturer’s directions for additional substrate preparation.

3. Installing the DITRA-HEAT Membrane

Thin-Set Mortar Application

apply thin set motor

DITRA-HEAT Membrane Installation

ditra heat membrane installation


secure membrane with ditra roller

4. DITRA-HEAT Cable Testing

Test 1: Conductor Resistance

ditra cable testing test 1 conductor resistance

Test 2: Conductor and Ground Braid Continuity

ditra cable testing test 2 ground braid continuity

Test 3: Insulation Resistance (Recommended)

ditra cable testing test 3 insulation resistance

Test 4: DITRA-HEAT Thermostat Floor Temperature Sensor Test

ditra cable testing test 4 temp senor test

5. Installing the DITRA-HEAT Cable

5.1. Pre-Installation Checks

5.2. Cold Lead Thread and Cold/Hot Splice Placement

cold splice placement

5.3. Cable Embedding

embedding ditra heat cable

5.4. Sensor Installation

ditra heat cable sensor installation

5.5. Final Retesting

Once the heating cable and floor temperature sensor installation is complete, retest and record values in the heating cable tests log.

6. Heat Cable Warnings: Safety Precautions

General Warnings

Cable Handling and Installation

Additional Cable Warnings

sitting room with new heated floors

This detailed guide lets you transform your living space into a warm and inviting haven. Please always refer to the official Schluter-DITRA-HEAT installation guide throughout the installation of your new heated floors.