Crime Prevention Training Courses

The Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute (FCPTI) is pleased to present its annual Schedule of Crime Prevention Courses. The schedule contains innovative crime prevention courses designed for crime prevention and community oriented police officers, citizens, local government officials, professionals such as planners, architects, engineers, and business owners.

As always, FCPTI remains committed to providing quality training to the crime prevention community. We look forward to working with you to build strong crime prevention programs in Florida.

FCPTI courses are developed in compliance with mandatory retraining criteria as set forth in Florida Statute 943.135. A certificate will be issued to each student upon satisfactory completion of the course. According to s. 932.7055, F.S., s. 938.15, F.S. and s. 318.21, F.S., the local agency administrator has the authority to approve the expenditure of local dollar funds.

The Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute (FCPTI) was established in 1982 in the Office of the Attorney General to provide crime prevention training to Florida’s law enforcement community and other interested citizens. In 1984, the designation of Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner (FCPP) was made available to individuals who successfully completed a series of three comprehensive crime prevention courses offered through FCPTI.

Designed for crime prevention and community oriented policing officers, the designation provides officers with the skills necessary to deliver comprehensive crime prevention programs to Florida’s residential and commercial industry.

To earn the Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner designation, a participant must successfully complete three courses of instruction offered through FCPTI within a period of five consecutive years. The curriculum includes 40 hours of instruction in each of the following courses:

Basic Crime Prevention teaches a student how to set up a crime prevention program, obtain funding, maintain an effective program, marketing and media relations;

Crime Prevention: Residential Applications which provides instruction in neighborhood watch, residential security, selection of security equipment and the elements of security surveys for home protection; and

Crime Prevention: Commercial Applications which provides instruction in access control, loss prevention, credit card and bank fraud, commercial security equipment and business security surveys.

Students must pass a written examination at the end of each course. Upon successful completion of all three courses, the designation of Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner is awarded to the student by the Attorney General.

Maintaining the Designation

The initial Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner designation is valid for a period of three years from the date that appears on the Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner designation certificate. To maintain the designation, a Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner must successfully complete the Crime Prevention Practitioner Update course offered by FCPTI, which provides the Practitioner with current information on crime prevention issues and trends. Upon successful completion of a Crime Prevention Practitioner Update course, the designation will be renewed for a period of three years from the date of the Update course.

In addition to the FCPP courses, many other innovative crime prevention courses are available including Elderly Crime Prevention, Workplace Violence, Liability, Identify Theft and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.

Additional information on the Florida Crime Prevention Practitioner designation may be obtained by writing the:
Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute
Office of the Attorney General
PL-01, The Capitol
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050
or by calling FCPTI at (850) 414-3360