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H eat transfer is a basic science that deals with the rate of transfer of thermal energy. This introductory text is intended for use in a first course in heat transfer for undergraduate engineering students, and as a reference book for practicing engineers. The objectives of this text are • To cover the basic principles of heat transfer. • To present a wealth of real-world engineering applications to give students a feel for engineering practice. • To develop an intuitive understanding of the subject matter by emphasizing the physics and physical arguments. Students are assumed to have completed their basic physics and calculus sequence. The completion of first courses in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and differential equations prior to taking heat transfer is desirable. The relevant concepts from these topics are introduced and reviewed as needed. In engineering practice, an understanding of the mechanisms of heat transfer is becoming increasingly important since heat transfer plays a crucial role in the design of vehicles, power plants, refrigerators, electronic devices, buildings , and bridges, among other things. Even a chef needs to have an intuitive understanding of the heat transfer mechanism in order to cook the food "right" by adjusting the rate of heat transfer. We may not be aware of it, but we already use the principles of heat transfer when seeking thermal comfort. We insulate our bodies by putting on heavy coats in winter, and we minimize heat gain by radiation by staying in shady places in summer. We speed up the cooling of hot food by blowing on it and keep warm in cold weather by cuddling up and thus minimizing the exposed surface area. That is, we already use heat transfer whether we realize it or not.
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During my long experience in teaching several engineering subjects I noticed that many students find it difficult to learn from classical textbooks which are written as theoretical literature. They tend to read them as one might read a novel and fail to appreciate what is being set out in each section. The result is that the student ends his reading with a glorious feeling of knowing it all and with, in fact, no understanding of the subject whatsoever. To avoid this undesirable end a modern presentation has been adopted for this book. The subject has been presented in the form of solution of comprehensive examples in a step by step form. The example itself should contain three major parts, the first part is concerned with the definition of terms, the second part deals with a systematic derivation of equations to terminate the problem to its final stage, the third part is pertinent to the ability and skill in solving problems in a logical manner. This book aims to give students of engineering a thorough grounding in the subject of heat transfer. The book is comprehensive in its coverage without sacrificing the necessary theoretical details. The book is designed as a complete course test in heat transfer for degree courses in mechanical and production engineering and combined studies courses in which heat transfer and related topics are an important part of the curriculum. Students on technician diploma and certificate courses in engineering will also find the book suitable although the content is deeper than they might require. The entire book has been thoroughly revised and a large number of solved examples and additional unsolved problems have been added. This book contains comprehensive treatment of the subject matter in simple and direct language. The book comprises eight chapters. All chapters are saturated with much needed text supported and by simple and self-explanatory examples.
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